Sunday, May 28, 2006

Through the years, the rings on the table grow in number

All these words, hymenoptera of all colors, encumbering the organism with classified information, verdicts on craned necks: nothing at all. And this within the same second. Served on a tray, which reached the conscious right in the middle of this citical mass of glass and concrete - anything from a complete suite of furniture to negotiations between two lawyers.

On the other hand, it was impossible for him to imagine an adjacent channel, with inhabitants so temporary that the conductress had to punch all their features at once. With his face turned away from the window he adjusted to this incredible pain, opened his mouth and with great strain he stretched his hands upwards, until the spots began to assume a warmer, almost sad tone, as in the Antarctic or the Sahara desert, areas which took on their shape like mercury. Why must everything be experienced, he thought and perceived the ground outside as nothing but a diffuse, red roving spirit. In spite of the fact that anything at all could happen, he felt that the passengers nodded with joy at being part of some sort of applause, which saluted every single moment, whose prey they became.

From "A Thimble of Annual Rain" Karl-Erik Tallmo


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