Tuesday, February 21, 2006

on all the time

when a small fragment is is
when a dream is is is
as if when is a is a is dream dream
a kind of
stop action visual let’s begin again
a kind of dream dream is a is
let’s stop the stop stop the stop stop the now stop
in this now object making marking the bottom dollar
as if a kind of making marking
sometimes on film making marking
a grande scale spoken line small fragment spoken graphic small line graphic novel spoken idea spoken image small word spoken fragment structure graphic spoken on a on a spoken graphic spoken on a
built on a oh grid overlapping a reiterating repeating
with less and less words to mean
to mean someone's got the ring
because flying through space
shining so bright
to mean so so
it begins in small fragments
one moment ago
somewhere a war continues
somewhere the war wages on
somewhere the war because space made space
unto the grid on a graphic structure
spoken in words
meaning less not that at all
beginning when a small fragment is is alphabetical, antibacterial, antidotal, antifungal
when thirst and vomit
when thirst and vomiting
when assuming an action
is an action as an action on the minute
somehow more or less
this or this
50 kinds of assuming actions
super action
I‘ve got the whole thing in m my hand in my pocket in my ear
being before an after
on all the time on all the time
suggesting of an opportunity
on all the time
that may lead to lead to that opportunity that may lead to an opportunity
on all the time on all the time


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