Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Impeachment is Too Good for Bush By MICKEY Z.

There's talk of impeachment making the rounds these days ... and it's not just partisan hyperbole.

As Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky explain in their new book, "The Case for Impeachment," the legal argument for removing George W. Bush from office is clear, present, and urgent.

However, for those seeking peace and justice, there are two reasons why impeachment should only be judged as a means to an end:

1. Impeachment is too good for him Sure, the planet would breathe a sigh of relief should Dubya get the boot, but why let him off the hook so easily? As Lindorff and Olshansky state: "The evidence of ... constitutional transgressions, violations of federal and international law, abuse of power, and criminal negligence as chief executive ... are so blatant one might think conviction would be a foregone conclusion."

Well then, why stop there? "The call for impeachment trivializes the crimes," declares journalist Rosemarie Jackowski. "Where is the demand for war crimes trials?


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